Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I am not on social media and NEVER post anything publicly, but when I read about you leaving peloton, I knew I needed to write. I used to scoff at yoga, labeling it a “waste of time” and “not a real workout”. I joined peloton to sweat..on the bike. And then: I suffered a herniated disk in my back. It was you and yoga that helped me through that dark time. Your hip openers and slow flows helped my back heal and now I cannot imagine a fitness routine without yoga- everything from power flows to evening yin. You even inspired me to try meditation which I am trying to love 😉. I am so sad to see you go, but wanted you to read how much your teaching and light has inspired people- even converted people, like me. I wish you wonderful things. Cheers to new beginnings!

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I wish you the best because you are an awesome instructor but more importantly an awesome and inspiring person. But as a devoted participant in your yoga and Pilates classes I cannot even express how much I will miss you and this will affect my time on the mat. I never did yoga until the pandemic, and a job loss, forced me to handle my stress differently. I now practice (almost) daily with you. Your kindness and humanity shines thru my screen. Best to you and the boys. Know you are loved and supported by people you’ve never met.

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My daughter, Ainsley, fell in love with your meditation classes last year before school every morning. Your classes helped her gain the confidence to become more independent (she was in kindergarten). She is at an amazing number of meditations for someone who is 7.5 years old now. She also has loved your kids yoga classes and has gotten her younger brother (2.5 years old) to love yoga as well through your classes as well. Thank you for your joy and your kindness. We wish you only good things as you move on to your next journey.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

I recently started taking your yoga for runners and meditation classes because Matt Wilpers and Becs Gentry suggested them during runs. I am so thankful they sent me to your classes—thank you for teaching me so much!!I have enjoyed every one of your classed!! Wishing you the best of luck in your new ventures…I look forward to following along!!

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I cannot tell you how much I will miss your Peloton classes! You have been my #1 instructor for the past 4 years. Your instruction has truly changed my life for the better, and for that I am so grateful. Can't wait to see what's next for you. ❤️

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I attended my 1st (and only) in person Peloton yoga class with you Valentine’s weekend 2020. I forgot to log in to my account so didn’t get a shoutout, but you have “seen” me so many times since then, at times when I needed to be seen. You have enriched my life with your wisdom, opened my heart when it was tight from pain, strengthened and rehabbed my aging body. You are a wise teacher and guide. I’m heartbroken to lose you from the Peloton platform but know that you will continue to share your gift with the world in whatever way is right for you. Thank you. #Pedal4Joy

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Happy to see you over here and hoping to join you on the mat again someday soon! You’re an inspiration to so many of us. ❤️✨

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Kristen, this is so bittersweet. My journey with Pilates started with MTV Pilates! I’ve done that work out maybe 500 times. I think I can recite some of it from memory. It carried me through high school, college, and my early 20s. I found your calm positivity so motivating. I was positively tickled when you also made an appearance on my favorite show, 30 rock!

Fast forward to now, my mid 30s, I’m a mom who is trying to find herself again. I got a peloton and finding you were part of the platform felt like coming home. You make me feel inspired, at peace, and like I’m the best version of myself. This is a huge loss for the platform but I know I’ll continue to seek out your work and guidance. You have touched so many lives and I count myself extremely lucky to be one of them.

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Well, I had to pause when I listened to your Instagram announcement. So sad for me. But so happy for you and your sweet boys. I pray you hear from so many how you changed lives, taught many the strength within and created a sense of belonging. You introduced yoga to me and it has become my daily routine. Hands down Peloton lost the best instructor - huge loss. I hope to find you in your next adventure - which will be amazing BTW! Always welcome in Montana (much like your home state 😉).

God light the way!

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I am so sad and disappointed that I won’t be able to do live classes with you on peloton. You are the only instructor whose instruction is so spot on that I don’t have to look at the screen to get into form. Your Pilates classes kick my butt!! Whether I take a yoga class or a Pilates class I always feel so great and stronger after. I recently started taking your meditation classes. I used to think meditation was a waste of time. Not any longer. Your meditations help me to feel centered and calm. One yoga class you mentioned how our own voice is the voice we hear the most so we better speak kind words to ourselves. I share that with so many people & tell them what a kind and positive person you are! Please speak kind words to yourself and know that there is a giant hole that can’t be filled on peloton where you should be. Hoping to see you here & on Instagram!

KONana xoxo

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I met you last November in an in person class & your personality was the same in person as on screen, but your calm energy was what I felt and walked away feeling from that class. Thank you for being you! PS I love your “Tues. Tips!”

🫶 come to Clear Lake IA & the Surf Ballroom any time!🎶

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I cried at the end of every class I took of yours. You gave me that healing “ mom” vibe that I needed and will truly miss you. Thankyou for bringing the healing power of yoga to my world.

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I have no doubt you will move on and do something amazing. Most important, enjoy quality time with your boys. You are special. Thank you for the Pilates, Yoga and all the wonderful meditations. I hope you continue to share your gifts! 💕

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Kristin, you’re the main reason I’ve stuck with yoga for over 20 years. I’m gutted that you’re leaving Peloton 🥲 but I know you’ll continue to do wonderful things. All of us who love your work will continue to support you. You inspire me every time you share your vulnerabilities, insights, and triumphs, and have helped me to face the hard things. I can’t thank you enough for being the teacher that you are. Have a magical summer with your beautiful boys and we’ll be ready for you in your next chapter ✨

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I just joined Substack to express my dismay at the news that you are leaving Peloton. I only did Pilates on a reformer, but during the pandemic, I began doing mat Pilates with you, and I continue to do so. Please let us know where you land so I can continue to do Pilates with you. All the best in your new adventures 🫶🏽💛

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I’m going to miss you so much ! You were the only one that used props! They were so fun and creative! Thank you for bringing a fun twist to the mat ! I don’t want to say I’m so sad to see you go but it’s hard not to!!! Xoxox can’t wait to see what comes next with your next chapter!

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